Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Peacock Chair Love

I’ve been drooling over these beautiful pics of peacock chairs for a while now. How can I not, they are stunning.

 I’ve been doing my research and keeping an eye out for one of these little beauties....but to my despair, they are super expansive brand new, even to hire and hard to find on eBay or gumtree.....even when I do manage to find one they are often on the other side of Australia so impossible to pick up....or people bid way too early and drive the price up arggggg!!!

So you can imagine how stoked I was when I found and brought myself an enormous badass shabby check peacock chair. It was well worth the return trip drive across Sydney and down to Wollongong leaving at 6:30am to beat the peak hour rush....

It will be perfect for the planned upcoming photo shoot I’ve got brewing. With its beautiful peacock like fan it will frame and flatter the model to perfection (I hope)...

Just a little trivia for you...did you know Native American cultures view the peacock as a symbol of dignity, wholeness and beauty..... And in my opinion the chair version somewhat lives up to the divine nature of the peacock itself.